How to close music on sim All Network

آپ کی سیم پر لگے گانے کو ختم کرنے کے بہت زیادہ فائدے ہیں ایک تو آپ تو گناہ سے بچیں گے دوسرا آپ اپنے پیسے جو آپ نے اپنے خون پسینے سے کمائیں ہیں اس کو فضول ضائع ہونے سے بچا سکتے ہیں

گانے بند کر نے کے لئے تمام نیٹ ورکس کے سیم کے کوڈ یہ ہیں

Here are the codes for all networks to turn off songs



Write Msg UNSUB Send on 230



Write Msg UNSUB Send on 230



Write Msg UNSUB Send on 666



Write Msg UNR Send on 230



Write Msg RBT OF Send on 7171

 * Keep positive thinking *

 A painter got a contract to paint a boat.
 While working, he saw a hole in the boat and repaired it.
 In the evening after finishing the painting, Aas took his salary from the boat owner and went home.

 Two days later the boatman called him again and gave him a check for a large sum of money.  Upon the painter's inquiry, he said that the next day the children of Aas took the boat to the sea without his knowledge.  And then when he realized that there was a hole in the boat, he became very upset.  ...

 But in the evening he was pleasantly surprised to see the children laughing and smiling.  He said to the painter that this money is not a substitute for your kindness but it is a low expression of love for you from me

 There will be many small things in your life that are not your work ... 
 * But keep doing that ... *
 Goodness never goes in vain
 Saves someone's life
 * Causes someone's happiness. *

 Positive Thinking and Positive Character Success

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